Ryder didn’t know what he’d done or said to Angie, but whatever it was, he’d fucked it up. She was pissed off or upset. At him, or maybe about something else.

Okay, definitely about the contents of her mother’s diary, that was a given. But he figured it was more than that, and it had to do with what he’d said to her in her bedroom.

Dammit, he’d never been good with women and dealing with their emotional shit. He should have let her leave the room and dwell by herself instead of following her and trying to make her feel better. All he’d done was make it worse, and now he couldn’t figure out how to fix it, especially since he didn’t know what he’d said that was so wrong.

Why couldn’t women be direct like men? Why couldn’t they say exactly what was bothering them, instead of trying to hide their emotions? It would be a lot easier if Angelique had just slapped him upside the head with whatever he’d said to upset her. Then he could have corrected it, or re-explained it in a way that wouldn’t hurt her feelings.

Maybe. Or maybe not.

Why was he even bothering to think about this? Why did it even matter to him whether her feelings were bruised?

Because you care about her, dumbass.

Yeah, yeah. And look where that was getting him. Nowhere at supersonic speed.

Screw it. He had more important things to do. Nice, distracting things that didn’t have to do with women and emotion and caring. He walked down to the massive library—or he supposed they called it the great hall—where Dalton, Michael, Mandy, and Trace were going over the diary.

“Anything?” he asked.

“From what we’ve been able to gather, it appears Monette—the girls’ mother—met up with one of the Sons of Darkness,” Michael said.

“Not just a run-of-the-mill demon, then,” Dalton said.

“No. From her description of the hunters’ destruction of the demon, and his name, it was a Lord.”

“So, he was out trolling for a human host for demon baby-making?” Ryder asked.

“Seems that way. And succeeded, too.”

“Do you know the names of all of the Sons of Darkness?” Ryder asked. “Is there like . . .a flowchart or something?”

Michael snorted. “We do know who they all are and actually, yeah, there is a flowchart. The Realm has had contact with all of them and we’ve catalogued them through the centuries. We know who lives . . . and who has died.”

“Like Ben and Bart.” Ryder knew those two for certain since he’d been present at both their deaths. Other than those two, he was in the dark.

“Are there always twelve?” Ryder asked, remembering that when Lou told them about the Sons of Darkness, he mentioned twelve Lords.

“Yes. There are always twelve. When one dies, another is—promoted, I’d guess you could put it—as a Lord to take his place. They are the master rulers of the demons.”

“And are we part of all this?” Angelique asked.

Angelique and Isabelle stood in the doorway. So similar, and yet different in so many ways. He could easily tell them apart, even though their faces were mirror images. Yes, hair color and style were different, but he knew Angie, could pick her from Isabelle even if their hair had been exactly the same. Maybe it was because he knew Angelique better; her body language was different from her sister’s.

There was just something different about her . . . something in her eyes as she looked at him. At least for a brief second before whipping her gaze away to put her attention on Michael.

“You are indeed part of all this,” Michael said. “Come on in and join us. I’ll try to answer as many of your questions as I can.”

Angelique took her sister’s hand and led her into the room.

Ryder noticed that Angelique took a seat next to Mandy, as far away from him as possible—like across the room.

Yeah, she was definitely mad at him. And she wouldn’t make eye contact with him.

“We’ve been studying your mother’s diary,” Michael said.

“May I?” Angelique asked.

“Of course.” Michael handed the journal to her. “The demon who fathered you was a Lord of the Sons of Darkness.”

Angelique’s head shot up, her eyes wide. “A Lord?”


“That’s bad,” she whispered, staring down again at the diary.

“It is?” Isabelle asked.

“Yes.” Angelique looked at Michael. “Tell her about the Queen of Darkness.”

“Who’s the Queen of Darkness?” Isabelle turned to look at Angelique, then at Michael.

“We don’t know. Bart mentioned it in Australia when he was performing the ceremony with the black diamond. Something about Nic having to join hands with the Queen of Darkness to empower the black diamond.”

Angelique and Isabelle exchanged worried glances. Did they really think either of them could be the socalled Queen of Darkness?

“Bart said I wasn’t ‘the one,’ ” Angelique said.

“Yes. He did. Which doesn’t mean he was referring to the queen.”

“What else could he have been referring to? Please don’t treat me like I’m stupid. I can connect the dots just fine.”

She was anything but stupid, that much Ryder already knew. Her mind processed things at a rapid pace. What he’d said to her in her room had been true—she really would make a great demon hunter. She could think on her feet and she wasn’t easily afraid. Add her demon blood into the mix and the woman could kick ass.

Ryder didn’t admire many people, thought very few his equal, mainly because of his skills. He’d worked his ass off to gain the knowledge and abilities he had, and he felt that put him a step above a lot of people. He admired and respected his fellow hunters, but he was as good as most of them.

Most people didn’t have the proficiency. Angelique? Yeah, she could slip into line with them in a heartbeat. He’d love to have her fighting next to him.

“I would never imply you’re stupid, Angelique. I just don’t happen to believe that either you or your sister is the so-called Queen of Darkness that Bart mentioned.”

“Then why would he have dragged me into the ceremony with Nic? Why was he so angry when the light within the black diamond died as soon as I touched it?”

“Because even the Sons of Darkness can guess wrong,” Michael said with a twitch of his lips.

“You mean even they don’t know who the Queen of Darkness is?” Ryder asked.

Michael turned his head to Ryder. “That would be my guess.”

“Interesting,” Dalton said.

“The Realm has been in discussions about this Queen of Darkness since Lou reported it. We believe they’re referring to a daughter of the great evil one, someone to lead and stand with the Sons of Darkness.”

“So another Lord, only this time female?” Mandy asked. “I didn’t know they allowed female Lords.”

“It’s never been done to our knowledge,” Michael said. “But that doesn’t mean it’s forbidden. Who knows what he has planned.”

“He being . . . Lucifer?” Isabelle asked.

Ryder felt bad for Isabelle. She huddled close to her sister and had a shocked look about her. She was pale, her face devoid of any emotion as she took in the conversation. Ryder slanted a glance to Dalton, who was staring at Isabelle and frowning. Dalton leaned against the arm of one of the sofas, across the room from Isabelle. His hands were clenched into fists as if he was physically restraining himself from going over to her.

Ryder wondered what had happened between them on the yacht.

“Whatever name you want to use for the great evil,” Michael said.

“And you think the Queen of Darkness might be his progeny?” Angelique asked. “And not either one of us?”

“It’s a possibility.”

“Or it could be one of us,” Isabelle said. “You don’t really know for certain we aren’t, do you?”

Michael hesitated for a few seconds before answering. “No, I don’t.”

“And since it couldn’t be Angie because Bart already said it wasn’t her, and the gem went dark when she touched it, then that only leaves me,” Isabelle said, pulling away from her sister to lean forward and stare directly at Michael.

Damn, her eyes practically fired sparks. She seemed pissed.

“I could be the Queen of Darkness he spoke about. And until you get me together with this black diamond, until you see what it does when I touch it, then you won’t really be sure, will you? So don’t blow smoke up my ass and tell me you think I’m safe, Michael. Just give it to me straight. If I’m some evil creature you need to destroy, I’d just as soon know right now.”


Dalton’s fists clenched so tight he wondered if he was drawing blood.

This wasn’t going well. He could feel Isabelle’s pain, her anger and confusion, and he wanted to do something about it. But he was the last person in the room she’d want comfort from right now, so he kept his distance.

She needed reassurance. She wasn’t evil; he knew she wasn’t.

Though if he was thinking logically, which he obviously wasn’t, he’d realize that even he didn’t know that for sure.

“Isabelle, no one is condemning you,” Michael said. “We just don’t know all the facts yet.”

“So what do we have to do to get the facts? Get the black diamond and test me on the thing, right?” she asked, her voice a hard challenge.

Dalton’s lips twitched. She didn’t back down, even though he knew she had to be scared out of her wits. Points for Isabelle.

“It’s not a bad idea,” Mandy said.

“No, it’s a terrible idea.” Michael turned to Mandy. “The last thing we want is to bring the black diamond anywhere within close proximity of either Angelique or Isabelle.”

Mandy frowned. “Why? Isn’t that the point? To determine if either of them can activate the thing or whatever it is they might be able to do?”

Michael didn’t say anything, but from the look on his face he wasn’t happy with Mandy.

“Well? Isn’t it?” she challenged.

“I understand that you all mean well, but we have to control these things, take them slowly. We don’t want to—”

“You don’t want to what?” Angelique interrupted. “You don’t want to scare the living daylights out of us by making us think there’s some demon lurking inside us? We have news for you, Michael. Too late. We’re already freaked out.”

“My sister’s right. It really can’t get much worse than this. At least we’d know. And isn’t knowing something better than fumbling around in the dark with our heads up our asses?”

Dalton snorted. Isabelle turned her gaze in his direction and the hard lines of anger on her face softened.

Forgiveness, maybe? He really was on her side. He believed in her. Did she know that?

He didn’t want this to end badly for her. Not that he had any control over that, but he could hope.

On the yacht, he’d been doing his job and nothing more.

No, that was a lie. He’d done a hell of a lot more than just his job. Isabelle had unleashed something in him that had lain dormant and untouched for far too long. He wasn’t sure he could tuck it back in its cage again. Even now, he ached to go to her, to fold her into his arms and protect her.

He resisted, knowing what would happen if he did.

“Come on, Michael. Get the diamond and bring it here,” Mandy said. “You can control it within the Realm of Light compound. Nothing will happen and the demons can’t get to them here.”

“This is a Realm of Light compound?” Ryder asked.

“You new people haven’t been to one yet?” Michael asked.

Dalton had been to several, so he naturally assumed everyone knew where they were. But Ryder and Trace were newer members of the team and they’d been on the go since they’d been brought on board. No chance to bring them into one of the Realm’s locations.

“So what’s here besides the obvious?” Trace asked, getting to his feet.

Dalton waggled his brows. “Fun stuff. Wanna see?”

“Hell, yeah,” Ryder said. “I can’t believe we haven’t been given a tour of the secret stuff yet.”

“Sorry.” Michael’s lips twitched and he rubbed his fingers across his lips. “We’ve been busy.”

“Boys. Start talking high-tech toys and gadgets and they get all testosteroney,” Mandy said.

“That’s not even a word,” Trace said.

“It is now.” Mandy arched a brow, then turned to Angelique and Isabelle. “You coming?”

“Are we invited?” Angelique asked.

“Of course. This affects you, too. You need to know what’s here and how it all works.”

“I don’t think that’s such a good idea,” Michael said, standing, too.

“Oh, lighten up, Mike.” Mandy turned to him. “Are you always this stuffy? Does every Keeper have to be all about the protocol? Ease up a bit. Angie and Isabelle have been through hell.” She threw a glance over her shoulder. “No pun intended, ladies.” She turned back to Michael. “They deserve to be in this every step of the way. No more secrets.”

Dalton wanted to laugh. He’d met Michael before; he had fought beside him more than once. Michael was all by-the-book and into his role as Keeper, and no one challenged him.

But Michael had never gone toe-to-toe with their wild child Mandy before. She always said what was on her mind and damn the consequences. She was their group’s adopted little sister, and had been since she’d been brought in to the hunters when she was barely a teen.

Though she was all woman now—all five ten of her, with her luscious body and raven hair that fell to her waist.

None of them had ever let a guy within a hundred yards of her, much to Mandy’s irritation. Not that there had ever been time for the kid to have a normal life, or a normal date.

Had she ever even had a date? He couldn’t recall.

And he really needed to stop thinking of her as a kid. She was twenty-three years old now, and a woman.

A sassy, bold, able-to-stand-on-her-own woman.

One who wasn’t afraid to talk back to a Keeper.

“Well?” She put her hands on her hips and faced off against Michael, who at nearly a foot taller than she was didn’t seem the least bit intimidated.

“Well, what?”

Michael looked irritated. He was always calm and in control, but right now he looked pissed.

“Well, are you going to let us into your secret inner sanctum, or am I going to have to get my laser and start blowing through the doors?”

Michael’s gaze narrowed. “Lou warned me about you.”

“And yet you let me in the door anyway. Your mistake. Come on, Mike. We’re waiting.”

“It’s Michael.”

“And I’m Mandy. We’ve already met. You don’t want to make me angry . . . Mike.”

“And you don’t want to make me angry, Mandy. You might get your way with men like Dalton and the others from your Realm team who indulge you like a child because you grew up around them. Don’t make the mistake of thinking I’ll do the same thing.”

Tension filled the room, and something else that Dalton felt and recognized, but wasn’t certain was actually here.

Power. An otherworldly power that seemed to squeeze the air from the room.

It wasn’t evil, but it was definitely a warning.

Dalton’s gaze shifted to Michael, who still had his attention on Mandy.

Ah. This Keeper had some muscle. Typically no one else could sense a Keeper’s power. But Dalton felt it. Hell, everyone in the room could.

So did Mandy, because she didn’t even flinch, not even when the strands of her hair started blowing over her shoulder.

“Impressive,” she said. “Can we go now?”

But her voice had lowered an octave, no longer laced with as much bravado as before. Still, she got points for not flinching. Dalton wouldn’t want to piss off a Keeper.

Mandy had no fear.


Mandy nodded and turned on her heel, heading toward the two women. As she passed by Dalton, she winked.

That was interesting.

This whole day had been interesting so far. And Dalton got the idea they hadn’t even started yet.


The Darkest Touch
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